Student DataBase Management System (SDBMS)
Student information module is a powerful central database that seamlessly knits together all modules in the SpeedX Campus Info system. It is designed to be powerful, lightening fast and fully customizable. Its flexibility enables administrators to customize what information they track and manage for students and staff. Save your staff hours on time-consuming data entry and student record keeping.
Admission Number is a unique Alpha-Numeric number which is also treated as an account number for many purpose like Fee collection, Transportation, Examination etc.
Admitted Class is the class in which the ward is admitted. It will not be changed as the student is promoted year after year.
Designation and other Details of parents. All these categories are provided in a report wizard which will give an unlimited combinations of comprehensive reports
Photo Identity-Card Photo of the ward can be linked in two ways; (1) Linking to the auto-generated file name in the pre-defined photo directory. (2) Manually linking using a browse button. The photo is used many occasions like Photo Identity Card Printing, TC printing, Fee Counter etc.
Emergency Info this field contains informations like the telephone number and the person to be contacted in case of an emergency.
Medical Info. alergic list, medical problems, if any, are recorded in this field which is vermuch useful at the time of an emergency or first aid
TC date if this date is provided in the Admission Register then the ward is treated as not in Roll.
Collection Info Tab is having some important information regarding the fee collection pattern of the particular ward. Payment Mode, Admission Status, Collection Slab, Freeship, Flash Message
Multiple Payment Mode: Cash, Cheque etc.
Admission Status: New Admission can have a different fee structure than that of an Existing Admission
Collection Slab: Even the students in same class can have different fee structure. eg: In an Army School child of a Hawildar can have a different feestructure than that of Major’s Child.
Flash Message: You can put any message in this column so that it will be flashed at the fee counter at the time of fee collection of this particular ward.
Free-Ship: details of free-ship is given in these fields.
Transportation Details like Bus Number, picking point, picking and dropping timings, contact number and details of the person in-charge of the vehicle, Charges applicable for the concerned details.
Siblings: We can set the sibling list here in the admission register which would give you a cross link referece across the student database.
Event History Record: We can manage any records concerned of a ward categoretically and fully customizable.
Report Wizard efficiently handles all these information into
Tabulation Wizard :
Efficiently tabulates the statistics of the student database e.g. Number of students in each religion, category, blood group, area etc..etc..